Course curriculum

    1. Brain Research and Arts Integration

    2. How to Use the Baltimore Arts Integration Project Online Resources

    3. Big Picture Concept Map: SABES + BTT/Arts Integration

    4. Push and Pull Unit Overview

    5. Unit Slides: Push and Pull (Mini Golf) BTT + Arts Integration

    6. Overlay Resources and Printables

    1. Welcome to Push and Pull

    2. Warm Up & Push/Pull Movement Intro Activity

    3. Visual Art Analysis: Jacob Lawrence Image

    4. Push-me/Pull-you Dance

    5. Forces and Motion Rap & Assessment/Feedback Tools

    6. Rate this Resource Set! Push and Pull

    1. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and POSE!

    2. Visual Analysis: Fast and Slow

    3. Ripple Speed Dance

    4. Rate this Resource Set! Speed

    1. Facilitate This Way & That Way + Human Obstacle Dance Part 1

    2. Rate this Resource Set! This Way & That Way

    1. Design Challenge Extension

    2. Rate this Resource Set! EDC Extension

About this resource set

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Bring arts integration into your science classroom today