SY23-24 Stage 2 School
This course is for Stage 2 Partner Schools during School Year 2023/2024. This course allows an enrolled Arts Integration Coach to document their school's progress towards completing all Stage 2 requirements.
What does a Stage 2 Partner School look like?
Attendance at AED's Summer Arts Integration Conference
Scheduling and Completion of Program Orientation Meeting
Completion of Required Documentation: Schools Program Agreement
Completion of Required Documentation: Arts Integration Goals Plan
Completion of Required Documentation: Funding Plan
Sharing of AED Arts Integration Survey with School Staff
Facilitation of Group PD with Live Debrief
Completion of at least two additional AED PDs by coaches
Completion of at least one additional PD by collaborating staff
Creation and Implementation of at least 3 Arts Integrated Lessons
Supporting of at least 2 collaborating teacher in arts integration planning
Use of Arts Every Day grant funding to book arts experiences
Sharing of Spring Arts Integration Survey with Staff
Completion of End of Year Reflection
Attendance at Start of Year Kick Off Event
Establishment of an Arts Integration Resource Center
Implementation of dedicated PD time for Arts Integration
Attendance at End of Year Celebration Event
Any other ways your school has gone above and beyond?